February 16, 2007 Volume 108 Number 4

Clark County labor council re-elects slate of officers

VANCOUVER — The Clark, Skamania, West Klickitat Counties Central Labor Council held officer elections Jan. 25. All ran unopposed.

Re-elected secretary-treasurer were Mike Phillips of Vancouver Fire Fighters Local 452; president, Cager Clabaugh of International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 4; and vice president, Mike Carnahan of Electrical Workers Local 48.

Elected to the Executive Board were Bud Bartunek of Painters District Council 5, Shannon Walker of Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 277, and Lucy Hamill of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555.

Elected trustees were Suzanne Scheans of Plumbers and Fitters Local 290, John Murphy of Bakers Local 364, and Mark Rauchenstein of International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers Local 17.

Rick Thompson of Machinists Lodge 63 was elected sergeant-at-arms.

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